About the 75th
The 75th is a combined arms brigade. The unit operates in the World War Two online simulation game Battleground Europe. We have members in the Army, Navy, and Air Force. All the branches are represented in our squad. The majority of our membership is however divided between the Army and the Air Force, and that is where we truly shine.
Our squad welcomes players of all skill levels. If you are new to Battleground Europe, we would be glad to help train and acquaint you with the game. The game can be far more complex then it appears initially. The 75th has some wonderful atg specialists, dive bomb trainers, and infantry unit instructors.
Our squad nights take on a more serious tone, but we are definitely a fun loving squad. Newcomers will find an atmosphere of camaraderie and humor. This can be an important part of playing with a squad in WW2 Online, as those quiet moments of boredom can be made much more enjoyable when there are good people on ventrilo to talk with. All of our members respect each other, but we also know how to have fun and often joke with each other as well :)
Our squad is a diverse cross-section of players. We have both old and young in our ranks. We also have female as well as male members. Generally, the squad is made up of North American time zone players, both from Canada and the United States. The squad considers our diversity a great strength.
- Coldwind ( jmiller2@tulane.edu )
C.O. 75th Guards